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Aldeburgh Young Musicians

Aldeburgh Young Musicians is an artist development programme for advanced young musicians and composers aged 8-18. AYM is a Centre for Advanced Training, based at Snape Maltings Concert Hall and part of the national network. 
On 7-8th January AYM took part in a project with Duncan Chapman (a freelance composer / sound artist based in Lincoln UK) to create music using a variety of known and unknown technologies. The work made explores ways of devising ensemble music using various approaches that integrate elements of electronics with acoustic sounds. For one part they created a laptop ‘orchestra’ for the day, using software as a sound manipulator/creator. To make this work, each musician had their own laptop to make up this ‘orchestra’, using Minirigs to amplify the sound! 
For more information about their upcoming projects please visit:
Twitter: @AYM_Snape
Facebook: @Aldeburgh Young Musicians
Instagram: @aldeburghyoungmusicians