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Kathy Hinde

Step inside the Box and experience the haunting and mesmerising sounds of Tipping Point. The artist invites us to consider our relationship with water, and the necessity of balancing how we use the world’s water resources.

With audio powered by Minirigs, Kathy Hinde’s music merges machinery and nature to create stunning sound and visual aesthetics. Tipping Point explores the sonic possibilities of shifting water levels inside glass vessels, each containing a microphone. As the water levels change, the resonant frequency of the vessel changes and the feedback is tuned to different pitches, creating the soundscape. It’s the same reason pitches change when you blow over a bottle depending upon how full it is.
You can catch the live performance in Bristol on Thursday 15th March at We Are The Curious at their After Hours event.
It is also showing until March 18th as an installation, tickets for which can be found here.