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Step One

Have you read the manuals?

Product Information


Quick Start Guide


App Guide


Step Two

Check you're connected correctly to your Minirig or Minirig Mini

Step Three

If that didn't help, please read our frequently asked questions:

You turn on the subwoofer by inserting a 3.5mm aux cable into either socket. Just insert the cable and the sub will turn on. No need to press the button. 

After the cable has been inserted, you can then turn the sub off and on using the button by holding it down for 2 seconds. The sub will not turn on without an aux cable inserted. 

You can toggle between high and low gain (volume) when the subwoofer is on by pressing the button ONCE. 

Charge the subwoofer by inserting the included charging cable into a powered USB port then insert the other end into the middle barrel socket. The LED will start fading to show that the sub is charging. 

It's important to make sure the USB port is powered before plugging the charger into the subwoofer, otherwise, you may short the port as the sub will try to put power out into the USB charger. 

For full details on how to connect the subwoofer to your Minirig or phone and for the best ways to use it, please read the subwoofer user manual AND the Minirig user manual.


If you're still having issues with your Minirig please use our contact form or the live chat in the bottom right hand corner (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm GMT) to send us a message.